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Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.
Making a submission to our weekly newsletter?
Please note, submissions for our weekly newsletter should now be sent to The deadline for inclusion in Wednesday’s edition is noon the Monday prior.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from May 31 to June 7.
Church Family BBQ & Last Day of Sunday School
Dinner And A Show Fundraising Update: Youth on Mission for Tidal Impact
Benevolent Ministry
BSBC Partner in Mission: Bekah Sears
Myths & Questions About Homelessness Part 4 (Shared By Your SAT)
Muffin Mania: Booking for July, August, & September
Stellar Half-Day Summer Camp
Child & Youth Worker Summer Positions
Summer Juice Ministry
Keeping the Kitchen Faith
Preschool Coordinator
Pastoral Care for the Next Three Months
Sponsoring Children for Green Hill Lake Camp
NextGen Ministry @ BSBC (Children/Youth)
Fresh Start Young Adults Group
This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Communion Sunday
Community Opportunities
This Week @ BSBC
1. Sunday, June 11 | Church Family BBQ & Last Day of Sunday School
This spring season of ministry is drawing to a close with much to celebrate, so let’s have a celebration! Come out for our Church BBQ after the Sunday, June 11 services.
You’ll enjoy BBQ-ed hotdogs, chips, veggies, and ice cream sandwiches. Seniors will find special seating under tents next to the sanctuary building. Parents, your kiddos will enjoy the bigger-than-life “bouncer” and other fun activities — like face painting. There’s a rumour that there might even be snow cones. Parents, we apologize in advance, but we’re sure your kids won’t mind!
If you’re new to BSBC, this is a great way to get to know people. If you’ve been here “forever,” be on the lookout for people you don’t know…and get to know them.
We would love to have a new church family photo taken this day and look forward to seeing you here!
As we move toward the last day of Sunday School on June 11, we want to thank our faithful teaching staff for loving our children, youth and adults and encouraging them in the truth of God’s Word. We pray that the seeds you’ve planted bear fruit for the Kingdom for years to come.
2. Dinner And A Show Fundraising Update
Saturday evening’s Dinner And A Show was a smashing success! Kudos to Pastor Nikki and her amazing team for putting the program together and pulling it off without a hitch! We had guests as young as 3-years-old all the way up to 93-years-young.
The youth were on point — the MCs, the skits, the dancing, the comedy, the piano, the handbells, the poetry, and the singing — with humorous events both on and off stage and entertained us all. God bless Anna Marie Colpitts and her wonderful crew for the stellar dinner and service. Thank you to our very own clean-up crew who helped put everything away and setup the gym for Sunday’s service.
We have raised approximately $1,850 for Tidal Impact above and beyond the costs for dinner and we are a little more than half-way to our goal of $3,500. Don’t worry, you have not missed your opportunity to give, we are still accepting donations. Please mark your offering “Tidal Impact.”
3. Benevolent Ministry
In a congregation like ours, there are many worthy opportunities for financial support, including our ongoing Benevolent Ministry. Running quietly behind the scenes, your Benevolent Ministry seeks to meet the practical needs of individuals within our church family and those in our broader community.
On a weekly and sometimes daily basis, requests for ‘financial bridging’ come into the church office. These requests may take many forms, such as:
Helping to bridge the gap between someone’s last grocery order and their next one due to financial constraints
Topping up of a housing rental payment that clients are unable to cover due to unforeseen circumstances
Purchasing prescriptions, the cost of which would be prohibitive otherwise
Providing a gas card so clients can get to medical appointments
Providing a Tim’s card for an immediate meal
Accessing Christian counseling
We’re so grateful for Deacon Doug McAllister, serving as our Benevolent Coordinator, who meets with those seeking help, listens and questions, seeks to bring God’s love to the situation through prayer, and connecting community folks with the many opportunities to plug into life at BSBC. We’ve been able to rejoice with Doug in interactions that have born spiritual fruit, as witnessed to the testimony of individuals.
All of this is possible because of the generosity and stewardship of our church family. Each month, people designate donations to the “Benevolent Ministry” which become a “bridge” for someone at a financially troubling time. All done in the name of Jesus. We are grateful for each gift and regularly give thanks for each giver.
If you would like to know more about your Benevolent Ministry, please reach out to us, we’d be pleased to hear from you. If you know of a need in our church family or in your circle, please contact us. If you can give, please mark your gift “Benevolent Ministry.” Finally, please pray, especially for Doug as he is both the face of Jesus and the face of BSBC.
Thank you.
Your Benevolent Committee Members:
Sandra McMullin (
Carol Reimer (
Deacon Louise Billings (
Deacon Doug McAllister, Benevolent Coordinator (
Pastor Greg
4. BSBC Partner in Mission: Rebekah Sears
Dear Faithful Brunswick Street Friends,
First of all, I’m writing to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a supportive group of brothers and sisters in Christ throughout all of my 39 years, so far! I was born on a Sunday, and the following week I was in the BSBC nursery. I have been nurtured and loved as I grew up and through to this day at this church, through Sunday School, in my baptism, in youth group, at college and career, on a mission trip to Kenya in 2002, your support during my year in Rwanda (2006-07), and through my twelve years with Mennonite Central Committee, as an official BSBC Partner in Mission, starting in Winnipeg, then in Colombia, and finally in Ottawa.
But after over twelve years, I’ve discerned that it was time to move on from MCC to a new field. I have been exploring the field of mental health for several years, in part because of my own chronic mental illness – anxiety – which often appeared alongside my work. This was because I was working on really challenging and often heart-wrenching things: responding to crises and conflict with relief and peacebuilding. But I also noticed significant gaps in the field to support workers like me, and others struggling with the kinds of things we work on. That led me to explore opportunities within the mental health sector, getting to know the work, networking with key players and exploring it as a future job prospect.
That brought me to this new opportunity with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), and in May I began a new role as the National Lived Experience Specialist. Let me unpack that title! The role is essentially to bring the perspectives of people with a lived experience in mental illness to the planning and decision-making tables of CMHA – to make sure that people with lived experience are helping to drive the work. It’s very similar, in many ways, to what I was doing at MCC in my Ottawa posting. I was meeting with local partner organizations, those responding to the needs right on the ground, and bringing their perspectives to policy makers in Ottawa. In this role I’ll be working with the National Council of People With Lived Experience, and with my colleagues across the country to ensure these key voices are heard and empowered.
I believe God has gifted me with so much great experience at MCC and from other previous work, and the gifts of empathy and compassion to carry out this important work and continue to serve those who are struggling and need support and keep supporting the Kingdom of God.
I am so grateful for the faithful support and prayers of the BSBC community throughout my time as a Partner in Mission, and before. I always look forward to visiting and worshipping together whenever I am in town and continue to be an out-of-town member of the church. And I ask for your prayers as I continue to transition into this role – it’s not easy to make such a change after over 12 years with MCC!
In Christ’s Peace,
Your sister in Christ,
Rebekah (Bekah) Sears
5. Myths & Questions About Homelessness Part 4
There are many myths and stereotypes that people believe about homelessness. This misinformation is problematic, as it further contributes to the stigmatization of a population that is already marginalized. In order to appropriately tackle the issue of homelessness and create a society where individuals feel comfortable accessing supports, these myths must be deconstructed and understood to be false by the general public.
Myth: People experiencing homelessness should just find a job.
Fact: There are already people experiencing homelessness who are employed; however, it is much more difficult to find a job while experiencing homelessness. A number of different challenges, such as: lacking a permanent address, not having regular access to showers, barriers to transportation, and other difficulties like mental illness, make it difficult to obtain employment. Even when individuals experiencing homelessness find jobs, they are often part-time or minimum wage positions. This work fails to adequately meet their needs, due to expensive housing costs.
Overall, the myths that exist about homelessness are generalizations of a more complicated reality. It is important for those who have never experienced homelessness before to understand that every homeless individual faces a different and complex set of circumstances. It is the responsibility of the general public to educate themselves about issues related to homelessness. This will hopefully result in sensitive and compassionate conversations and solutions to homelessness.
The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness is the largest national research institute devoted to homelessness in Canada. The COH is the curator of the Homeless Hub.
6. Muffin Mania: Booking for July, August & September
On behalf of our brothers and sisters who make a weekly evening trek around the city to visit those sleeping rough, and the members of your Social Action Team, thank you ‘muffin makers’ for your faithfulness serving in this way.
Our schedule is now open for July, August, and September. We still require 3 dozen muffins per week. Please place 12 muffins, individually wrapped, in a large zipper locked bag, and label the bag “Street Ministry”. Don’t forget to include your name and the date! You can place the labeled muffins in the refrigerator in the main kitchen.
Please click the link below to sign up to serve in this way or call the church office (506-458-8348) and our admin team will be pleased to do the online registration for you. Jesus spoke of offering cups of cold water in his name. Muffins, we believe, offer the same opportunity to bless others for him.
7. Summer Camp
Our Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light half-day summer camp will be happening Monday, July 3 to Friday, July 7, from 9 a.m. – noon. Mark your calendars and be ready for your little ones to join us.
Registration for summer camp is now open!
8. Child & Youth Summer Positions
We have been awarded grants for two child & youth summer positions. Thank you for praying with us for God’s provision of the students of His choice to help lead what will be a busy summer of ministry.
Please make this summer job known to anyone you believe might be interested and don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Nikki at or (506) 458-8348 if you have any questions.
Community Child & Youth Summer Student
We have been awarded a SEED grant from the provincial government which will allow us to hire a Community Child & Youth Summer Student to work in our NextGen (children/youth) ministry for 14 weeks.
Child & Youth Worker Summer Intern
We have been awarded a grant through Employment & Social Development Canada to hire a Child & Youth Worker Summer Intern to work in our NextGen (children/youth) ministry for 8 weeks.
9. Summer Juice Ministry
Summertime brings lovely weather and the opportunity to meet with your church family outdoors after the service. If you would like to be part of the ministry that supports this time by providing a cold cup of iced tea, water or lemonade/juice, please get in touch with Jessica McQuarrie or the church office at
The ministry includes making the juice before the service and then serving it outdoors (Sunday weather is always sunny) at the bottom of the ramp entrance.
Your clean-up includes washing up the pitchers and leaving the kitchen tidy. Any kitchen linen is your responsibility to return clean. If laundering the used dishcloths and tea towels at home is not an option, please contact Andrea Bragdon at (506) 292-3568 to work something out.
Come and mingle with your church kin and bring a smile to their face on a hot summer Sunday!
10. Keeping the Kitchen Faith (And Keeping It Tidy!)
BSBC has been running at nearly normal levels of activities since last year. The main kitchen in the gym building has seen some busy times and will continue to as the months go by.
It seems timely to remind kitchen users of a few important guidelines.
Before Your Event
Be mindful of leaving supplies on the counters far in advance of your event. Consider that other groups may be using the kitchen and need the counter space for a successful event
Label and date your supplies
For the fridge
Label items with name and date
If your group has a recurring event, you may want to “own” a shelf. Place your name/group on a door sign at the level of the shelf you would like to keep.
Ensure unused items are dealt with in a timely fashion
For the freezer
Label items with date and name
Ensure unused items are not left to become unusable!
For the dishwasher
Directions for use are posted on the dishwasher. Fuses are located in the cupboard over the chest freezer
When you are done, pull the interior plug and allow reservoir to drain
Rinse entire area and wipe sink/ counter areas dry
Leave door up
Switch fuses off
After your event
Take all used kitchen towels/cloths and return clean. Place back in the proper drawers
Wash all dishes and put away
Tidy up the counters and sink area and wipe clean
Ensure coffee pots are cleaned and coffee prep area is wiped clean
Clean stovetop
Reclaim personal dishes used for the event ASAP!
I am so appreciative of the efforts of all the folks who use the kitchen and leave it better than they found it!!
If anyone has any kitchen supply or use questions or requests, please contact me at (506) 292-3568.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Bragdon
11. Preschool Coordinator
Goodbyes are hard, but saying thank you is easy when it comes to Ufuoma Akalusi as she completes her term as our Preschool Coordinator. Ufuoma has been a steady hand on our Sunday preschool ministry and a blessing to our preschoolers, their parents, volunteers and those in leadership who have served with her. We’re really excited and ask you to pray for her as she prepares to move to Toronto to begin her studies at Osgood Hall — the law school at the University of Toronto.
God bless you, Ufuoma, as you take this next step in God’s plan for your life. We can echo the words of Paul in the opening of his letter to the church at Philippi: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
And, with thanks to God, we introduce you to our new Preschool Coordinator, Melanie Tingley. I asked Melanie to introduce herself to you in case you may not know her.
Melanie Tingley is wife to Joel and Mom to Samuel, Micah and Nicholas. She loves sports and admits she “might” be a “tad” competitive. Melanie has loved and worked with children since way back. She wrote in her grade 2 journal that she wanted to teach when she grew up because she “loved children.”
She worked as a counsellor, lifeguard and swimming instructor at Camp Shiktehawk (where she met Greg and Rebecca Keezer as little ones). Melanie became an elementary school teacher in 1999 and has taught kindergarten almost exclusively. For ten years, she did stay home when her boys were little and ran Little Lights Christian Preschool in her home.
She loves teaching kindergarten because it’s “a beautiful age to witness so much development — academically, socially and emotionally. My heart is in the classroom building genuine connections with my sweet little students and their families and that is my hope and prayer as I begin this new position as Preschool Coordinator as well. I want all the children, and their families, to really KNOW and experience how loved they truly are.”
Melanie and Joel have served in our Sunday School and as volunteers for the preschool church hour for several years. She has also served numerous times on the BSBC Education Committee.
We give thanks to God for calling Melanie to serve and to her for accepting that call. Melanie and Ufuoma will overlap in this ministry beginning in mid-May. Please pray for Melanie and Ufuoma as they move into new chapters of serving Jesus in these days.
Pastor Greg
12. Pastoral Care for the Next Three Months
While Pastor Greg is on sabbatical, your Deacons want to affirm that BSBC is equipped to provide Pastoral Care. We are grateful for the engagement of Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki, and we are blessed to have additional support from Rev. Kevin Culberson, the Baptist Chaplin at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital…
13. Sponsoring Children for Green Hill Lake Camp
Our New Life Ministry encourages families who face economic challenges on a regular basis. One of the ways we, as a church family, can be a blessing is to provide funding for the children of these families to have the experience of Christian camping at Green Hill Lake Camp. And so, again this year, we invite you to consider giving a donation to help us cover the cost to send 7 children which, in this day and age, is just under $3,400.
If you are able, please mark your donation “GHLC Sponsorship”. We’ll be sure to update you on our financial progress as the weeks go on. Thank you for considering this opportunity.
14. NextGen Ministry
Children @ BSBC
Sunday School – End of Term: Sunday, June 11, 9:30 a.m.
Our last day for Sunday school this semester is on Sunday, June 11 at 9:30 am. We look forward to seeing our children and youth again in the fall, starting Sunday, September 10.
Stellar Half-Day Summer Camp: July 3 – 7, 9 am – noon
Our Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light half-day summer camp will be happening Monday, July 3rd to Friday, July 7th, from 9 am–noon! Mark your calendars and be ready for your little ones to join us! Registration for the half-day summer camp is now open!
Youth @ BSBC
Youth Bible Study: Wednesday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
This week we have a new series on Peter! Tonight, our youth, Pastor Nikki, & Kari Dunfield will continue our new Bible Study on Peter. If you have not been out and would like to join in a new study please do, all youth grades 6 – 12 are welcome!
The youth who have pre-registered will be gathering on Friday to travel to Moncton for the One Conference. Only those who have registered are able to attend. Youth are invited to join us next Friday, June 9, for a scavenger hunt! All students are also welcome to join us Wednesday for Bible Study or High School youth group (grades 9-12) on Sunday evening.
One Conference: Departure Friday, June 2, 4 pm; Return Saturday, June 3, 8 pm
A group of our youth who have pre-registered will be travelling to Moncton for the One Conference. We will be leaving BSBC at 4 pm and returning on Saturday evening. Please pray for all those who are attending this event.
High School Youth Group: Sunday, 7 pm – 9 pm
Coming up this Sunday we have High School youth, all youth in grades 9-12 are welcome and encouraged to join us for this evening!
Volunteer Opportunity: Half-Day Summer Camp
Our youth are encouraged to volunteer with our Half-Day Summer Camp from July 3 – 9, from 9 am to 12 noon. All those who are in Grades 6 – 12 and older are welcome to volunteer! For more information, please contact Pastor Nikki at
Grad Sunday: June 11
Come out on Sunday, June 11 to celebrate our graduates. All high school graduates are to meet with Pastor Nikki in the family room at 10 am before services on June 11. Please email Pastor Nikki to let her know you will be joining, and that you will be graduating, so we can celebrate you!
15. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
Our Young Adults ministry, Fresh Start, continues to meet on Tuesday nights from 7 - 9 pm on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. Come along for snacks and social time followed by a Bible study. We would love to see you there!
Please contact Pastor Ross for details.
16. Your Library
For the history buff, our library has Brunswick Street Baptist Church 1814-2014 in stock! Or, if you are looking for some newsy items, we have copies of the Tidings magazine. Parents, we have books on parenting and many other summer reading choices.
17. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings
The gym worship service will be under the musical leadership of Jon Wilton and friends. In the sanctuary, the service will feature musical leadership by the David Steeves and Gloria Tranquilla with special music by Peter & Maureen Steeves and the Men’s Ensemble.
Pastor Ross will be preaching in both services on Fear, Discouragement and Burnout – Through the lens of Elijah. Of this, he writes, “When our tank starts to run on empty, when we don't feel hopeful for the future and get to the point of giving up, how does God deal with us? And could He still have a plan for our future even then? This week, we are looking at Elijah; from the heights he reached, to the depths he sank to, and how God was with him in all of those places as we prepare to meet with God at the Lord's table together.”
Whether in-person or online, we hope you’ll join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
18. Community Events
Gibson Memorial United Church Yard Sale
Gibson Memorial United Church, 183 Gibson St., will be hosting a YARD SALE on June 3, 2023, 8 a.m. - 12 noon. All are welcome!
ParticipACTION at Killarney Lake
ParticipACTION is hosting an event in collaboration with the City of Fredericton at Killarney Lake on Saturday, June 3rd. You can read all about the event on our ParticiPARKS Engage Fredericton webpage but in short, we’re teaming up with an organization called Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds to design a new park at Killarney Lake and we’re inviting the public to come out for a fun day of activities and play and to share their ideas on what they’d like to see in a new park. Food will also be provided, and the event is free. The event is taking place on June 3rd at Killarney Lake near the playground and will run from 10am – 2pm. For more details, you can check out the link below.
ParticiPARKS Engage Fredericton webpage:
Nashwaaksis United Church Yard Sale
Come and find a new treasure at our Yard Sale on Saturday, June 10, from 8am-12noon at Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street. We’ll have a little of “this” and a lot of “that” – something for everyone. Come and find a new treasure!
If you are Spring Cleaning this year, we would be happy to help take your treasures off your hands for our yard sale. Please bring your items to the church on June 7, 8 and 9 between the hours of 9am-12am. Please no large furniture or clothing items. If you need something picked up, please call Larry or Helen Forward at 506-457-1338.
Nashwaaksis United Church Educational Class on Fraud/Scamming
The Nashwaaksis United Church Pastoral Care Committee will be hosting an educational session on Fraud/Scamming, to be held in the auditorium on Tuesday, June 13, 1-3pm. Guest speaker will be Const. Mike Bamford, of the Fredericton City Police. There will be light refreshments.
19. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre and CC stands for Connections Center
Wednesday, May 31
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
4:00 JHS Youth Program (Gym)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
Thursday, June 1
7:00 Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym, Main Kitchen)
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:00 New Life Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
9:00 Days for Girls (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (CB) (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
1:30 Gospel of John Bible Study (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
5:30 Ensemble Practice (Sanctuary)
6:00 L’Arche/Opal Drop-In (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Armour of God Bible Study (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Barnabas Center/Choir Room)
Friday, June 2
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
4:00 Youth One Conference Departure
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center and KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, June 3
9:00 Gym Set-up (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
8:00 – ETA of One Conference participants
Sunday, June 4
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:20 Sunday Morning Prayer (Counselling Room, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Sunday School Open House (Family Life Center)
9:30 Portraits of Jesus (Under The Sea Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown & Preschool Classes (2nd & 1st Floor, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
1:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 High School Youth Group (Assembly Area, 2nd Floor, FLC)
Monday, June 5
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:30 Gordie Tuttle Meeting (Memorial Room, 2nd Floor, CC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:30 Right to Life (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Social Action Team (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Sister Choir Rehearsal (Barnabas Center)
7:00 Library Working Group (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Tuesday, June 6
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Planning Meeting (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
10:00 Library Open (Connections Center)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
7:00 Fresh Start Young Adult Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Wednesday, June 7
8:30 Gospel on Web (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Ensemble Practice (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)