The Banner
Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from March 29 to April 5.
Multi-Media Messiah Concert – Come Sing the “Hallelujah Chorus”
The East Coast Brass Easter Saturday AFTERNOON Concert
Holy Week @ BSBC
Maundy Thursday Communion Service (April 6, 6:30 pm)
Good Friday Service (April 7, 10:30 am)
Easter Sunday Celebration Stations (April 9, 8 am)
Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast (April 9, 8:30 am)
Easter Sunday Fun-Filled-Frolic for All Ages (April 9, 9:30 am)
Easter Morning Worship Celebrations (April 9, 10:30 am)
Easter Flowers in Honour or In Memory
Pastor Greg’s Easter Letter
BSBC Easter Celebration Offering Goal
Special Business Meeting – Following This Sunday’s Morning Services
Palm Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings
PRAY Initiative
Seeking Summer Student for NextGen Ministry
Children’s Ministry Staff Openings
Support for Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
Financial Report
Meals on Wheels: Opportunity to Care
This Week @ BSBC
1. Multi-Media Messiah Concert
Come Sing the Hallelujah Chorus
Since April 13, 1742, Handel’s masterpiece, MESSIAH, has been a means of proclaiming the truth of Scripture in song. Created in three parts, MESSIAH focuses on the prophecy/coming of Christ (Christmas), the sacrifice/resurrection of Jesus (Easter) and, finally, the gift of eternal life offered through these actions of Christ (Heaven).
THIS Palm Sunday evening, April 2, 6:30 p.m., we will focus on musical material from Part 2 and Part 3 (not the whole). As a live expression of worship, Pascale Butt (soprano), Beth Snow (mezzo-soprano) and David Steeves (tenor) will sing these scriptural solos accompanied by our guest organist, Alice Boyd, Music Director at Christ Church Parish Church. In addition, on the big screens in the sanctuary, you’ll view recordings of choirs singing the choral selections that knit the Scriptural revelation together. The evening will end with everyone assembled joining our soloists in singing the majestic Hallelujah Chorus.
This will be a very special event and we hope that you will come out and be part of it. We note that due to copyright issues with the recordings, we will not be able to offer this worship concert on YouTube. It will only be offered in person. The offering from this service, after expenses, will go to our church’s ongoing work with Fredericton’s unhoused citizens.
The concert will be followed by a potluck “finger food” dessert reception in the gym. Please drop off your items to the church kitchen before the worship concert.
2. The East Coast Brass Easter Saturday Afternoon Concert
There’s a lot to ponder during Holy Week. At BSBC, Easter Saturday is a day where we begin to move from the trauma of the cross toward the empty tomb. And so, on Easter Saturday at 3 p.m. our special guests will help us do just that.
The East Coast Brass will present a concert of music you’ll know and music you’ll want to remember! Known for their engaging performances that include a ‘colour commentary’ on the music presented, their concerts are perfect for all ages.
Please tell your family and friends about this special occasion and these special guests, including our own Jim Tranquilla who leads the group. Plan for joy, power, majesty, humour and more!
There is no admission charge, but we will be taking a retiring offering in support of our musicians. Anything over their costs will be donated to our ministry to Fredericton’s unhoused citizens.
We hope that you’ll be here to begin to embrace the JOY of Easter.
East Coast Brass is an exciting addition to the NB music scene with a desire to share the joy of great brass music. ECB is a collaborative ensemble that brings together professional brass musicians from across the Maritimes with a shared vision to create programming that is unique to the region while showcasing high level performance and constantly seeking for new musical partnerships. East Coast Brass has five core members but adapts personnel to fit any musical project. For larger projects we assemble colleagues from across the Maritimes to come together as a collective and further explore and expand the brass genre.
3. Holy Week at BSBC
IT IS ALMOST HERE! That week of the year when we follow Jesus’ journey of sacrifice and victory…out of an eternal love for humanity. You might not be able to attend everything, but we encourage you to find something to enrich your spiritual life. PLEASE feel free to invite your family and friends.
Palm Sunday Morning Services
Sunday, April 2, 10:30 a.m.
Did you know that “hosanna” can be interpreted “God, save us,” a cry for help. Or “God saves,” an affirmation of faith? In our services on Sunday, April 2, we’ll be affirming the salvation that God lavishes us on through His Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for a celebration that ends with thankful hearts gathering at the communion table. At the communion table we will affirm, “God saves.”
Palm Sunday Evening Multi-Media Messiah
Sunday, April 2, 6:30 p.m.
Please see the opening article in this week’s newsletter.
Maundy Thursday Communion Tenebrae Service
Thursday, April 6, 6:30 p.m.
On the Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus gathered with his disciples in the upper room. There he gave them a new covenant “in his blood”. Knowing that we would need to be reminded of what he did for us, he used bread and wine so that we could actually hold these symbols of grace in our own hands. This year’s Maundy Thursday service will be held in the Sanctuary and will include the ministry of a vocal ensemble whose singing will lead you in worship and whose offerings will underscore the meaning of the evening. After the service of the Lord’s Table, we’ll hear the events that unfolded in Jesus’ life between the upper room and the cross. This will leave our hearts prepared to gather at Calvary.
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 7, 10:30 a.m.
Personal experience of God’s love for us in Jesus is what makes the Friday of Holy Week, good. Scandalous torture. The Lamb of God offers the full and final sacrifice for the sin of humanity. In song, Scripture and sermon we’ll consider the cost to Jesus of the forgiveness we can receive through faith in Him. Dr. Keith will be bringing the message. Our worship team and choir will lead us. It’s said that we can’t fully understand the victory of Easter Sunday without a focus on the Jesus’ willing sacrifice on Good Friday. We will “behold” that Lamb of God who continues to take away the sin of the world.
An Easter Celebration with East Coast Brass
Saturday, April 8, 3 p.m.
Please see the second article in this week’s newsletter.
Easter Sunday Celebration Stations
Sunday, April 9, 8 a.m.
Join us in the sanctuary for opening Scripture and prayer and then head off to visit the Easter morning Celebration Stations which will be located on the first floor of the Family Life Center. At each station you’ll have opportunity to engage in an action that affirms the implications of Jesus being alive for us! Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki will be your hosts. When finished, come to the gym for breakfast!
Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, April 9, 8:30 a.m.
Many times we read of Jesus gathering with his disciples around the table. So, on his day of resurrection, we will, too. The menu features: pancakes and syrup, hot cross buns, fresh fruit, juice, coffee and tea all served in the gym. But we need your help…by making your reservation if you are planning on joining us.
You can sign up using the reservation sheets on the welcome table in the sanctuary and gym foyers or on the desk of the Connections Center
You can call the church office to register (506-458-8348)
You can email the church office to register (
You can use the link in our weekly newsletter
Please make your reservations by Thursday, April 6, 5 PM. Thank you for planning ahead.
Easter Sunday Fun-Filled-Frolic For All Ages
Sunday, April 9, 9:30 a.m.
Between the breakfast and our services we’re offering you two special events. The first will be in KidzTown and is especially geared to children/families. Pastors Ross and Nikki are planning games and activities that create a joy-filled time together. For those who might not be able to take that much excitement, please gather in the Family Room where you’ll enjoy a Easter video presentation and activity. Breakfast goers, as we need to set up the gym for the morning service, breakfast will finish at 9:30 am and we’ll need you to engage in a gathering. Thanks for helping in this way.
Easter Morning Worship Celebrations
Sunday, April 9, 10:30 a.m.
Our Easter celebrations in the gym and sanctuary will be brimming with joy! 1 Peter 1:3 says: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. So, expect services of “praise” and of thankfulness – given what this day means – the possibility of a ‘new birth into a living hope.’ We’ll welcome participation by members of The East Coast Brass. “Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia!”
4. Easter Flowers
We invite you to help us celebrate Jesus resurrection by placing spring plants in memory or honour of your loved ones. You can make arrangements through the church office OR using the link below. Please be sure, when remitting your $15/plant, to identify your gift “Easter Flowers” so that your donation will be credited to the correct account. Thank you. Deadline for donations is Wednesday, April 5. These will be acknowledged in the pre-service slide shows on Easter Sunday morning and then, in this newsletter on Wednesday, April 12.
5. Pastor Greg’s Easter Letter
Greetings Church Family,
Have you ever heard the expression “famous last words”?
Well, here are a few.
Henry David Thoreau, the writer known as a stubborn, arrogant individualist (said to have loved a snowstorm more than Christ and wanted nothing to do with the church), died on May 6, 1862. Shortly before his death, his aunt asked him if he’d made peace with God. Thoreau responded to her with his final cynical words — “I didn’t know we’d ever quarrelled.”
Contrast Thoreau’s legacy with the great evangelist D. L. Moody’s deathbed words. He was reported to have turned to his boys at his bedside and said, “If God be your partner, make your plans large.”
Billy Graham notes that when the great saint Joseph Everett was dying, he said, “GLORY! GLORY! GLORY!” and continued exclaiming “GLORY!” for over twenty-five minutes until he was “whisked away by angels to the gates of heaven.”
Pastor Hernandez Lopez writes: Before he died on the cross, Jesus uttered a cry of triumph, saying “It is finished.” The Greek word here— tetélestai—used at Jesus’ time had three meanings that point out his finished work for us.
First, it was used for the completion of a task. When a son finished his work on a project, he would say to his father, “Tetélestai,” meaning, “The work entrusted to me is finished.” Second, it was used to pay off a debt. When a person paid off a debt with the legal authorities, the document was stamped “Tetélestai,” meaning, “The debt has been paid.” Third, this word was used to declare a person’s definite possession of a deed. When someone bought a piece of property and paid for it in full, they received the deed with the inscription “Tetélestai,” meaning, “You have the right of possession.”
When Jesus gave up his life for us on the cross, he completed the work the father had entrusted to him so that we could be saved from sin and death. And on the cross he paid our debt in full, opening the way to eternal life for us. We have forgiveness and salvation. Because of Christ’s finished work, we have received the right to take possession of eternal life.
Holy Week takes us on an emotional journey. The big parade of Palm Sunday gives way to the sobering intimacy of the Upper Room, the heartbreaking betrayal of the Garden of Gethsemane, which gives way to the horror of “Good” Friday. Then, the silence of Holy Saturday gives way to earth-shaking joy and celebration of Easter Sunday. The day when disciples of Jesus celebrate victory both in this life and in the next.
Separation from God? It is finished! Hopeless living? It is finished! Helplessness in the extreme? It is finished!
And what is begun? Through Christ’s resurrection, we’re destined to live forever in new bodies on a new earth. An existence so enjoyable that anything “we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory [God] will give us later.” We “wait anxiously for that day when God will give us our full rights as his children, including the new bodies he has promised us” (Romans 8:18, 23).
What the cross achieves, it achieves because Jesus rose again. It is an empty cross by which we are saved. Paul says that Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and raised to life for our justification. He says that if Jesus has not been raised, we are still dead in our sins. So, if Jesus didn’t rise again, we would not be saved. The cross only works because Jesus rose again from the dead.
If these realities are unfamiliar to you or if they are well-known, I invite you to join our emotional journey of Holy Week 2023. Trace the steps of Jesus and consider what he did and said during the most significant eight days in history.
Palm Sunday “Hosanna” Worship Services – Sunday, April 2, 10:30 am
Multi-Media “Messiah” Worship Concert – Sunday, April 2, 6:30 pm
Maundy Thursday “In Remembrance of Me” Communion Service – Thursday, April 6, 6:30 pm
Good Friday “It Is Finished” Worship – Friday, April 7, 10:30 am
“The Trumpet Shall Sound” Easter Concert with The Atlantic Brass – Saturday, April 8, 3 pm
Easter Morning “SonRise” Worship Centers, Sunday, April 9, 8 am
“Pancake” Breakfast, Sunday, April 9, 8:30 am
Easter “FunTastic” Time for All Ages, Sunday, April 9, 9:30 am
“He is Risen” Worship Celebrations, Sunday, April 9, 10:30 am
Here at BSBC, we love to celebrate, which is why Easter is one of our favourite days of the year! You’ll find our Holy Week services uplifting, reflective, and celebratory.
And now more than ever, we could all use some good news.
And your family and friends could use some good news. So why not invite them to join us on our journey to joy? If your faith could use a lift, follow this story to see and hear what Jesus Christ did for YOU. Did for each of us. Did for humanity. Did to fulfill the promises of God through the ages. And that’s why Jesus could say, “It is finished.”
Yours in Easter Truth,
Greg Geldart, Lead Pastor
6. Easter BSBC Celebration Offering Goal
Each year, at our February Annual General Meeting, the congregation sets a financial goal for special Celebration Offerings. A means of inviting our church family to make a unique offering as a means of celebrating, in this case, the good news of Easter. Our goal for 2023 is $10,000. Thank you for considering such a gift. Visit our ‘giving’ page for details.
7. Special Business Meeting
The Moderator is calling a Special Business Meeting for Sunday, April 2, in the sanctuary after the morning services. The only item on the agenda will be to ask the congregation to pass the following motion:
Moved that the Board of Deacons contact the office of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) with the request that Pastor Ross Watters be granted permission to appear before the CBAC Examining Council for Ordination in August 2023 for the purpose of being approved for ordination to Christian ministry at the hands of this church family.
As many of you know, over the past months, Pastor Ross has been working to meet the requirements for ordination to Christian ministry in our denomination which will allow us to affirm his calling to ministry and the gifts God has given him to serve. As well as a celebration of calling and equipping, this will allow the then “Reverend Ross Watters” to be licensed with the province to perform marriages.
Thank you for taking the time to provide the crucial letter which will set the process in motion.
There will also be motions from the Nominating Committee.
Pastor Greg
8. Palm Sunday Worship Celebrations
This coming Sunday morning polish up your HOSANNA and make your way to BSBC for festive services of palm waving and a reflective time around the table of Jesus as we share in Communion.
The gym worship service will be under the musical leadership of Sarah Hoyt and Mark McAllister. In the sanctuary the service will feature musical leadership by the Sanctuary Choir and soloist David Steeves.
In both services, Dr. Keith will be engaging us with a devotional message entitled “Insight on Palm Sunday” considering the text of Mark 10:46 – 11:11. Of this devotional message he writes:
Traditionally, Palm Sunday is often referred to as “the triumphal entry,” as Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with a cheering crowd waving palm branches and hoping that their long-awaited rescue from Roman oppression is at hand. But if (temporary) political freedom is the crowd’s desire, then they will be bitterly disappointed by the end of the week, causing us to wonder about whether “the triumphal entry” is the best hashtag for Palm Sunday. But if we look at an event just prior to the arrival of Jesus, we get some surprising insight on the true meaning of Palm Sunday from a blind man at the side of the road! This Sunday morning we will explore the practical application of this unexpected insight to our lives in 2023.
Whether in-person or online, we hope that you will join us for our worship services this first Sunday in April.
9. Bereavements
Evelyn Leona Mowat
Please be in prayer for Roy and Greta Jones on the passing of Roy’s sister, Evelyn Mowat, on Saturday, March 11 at the Dr. Everett Chalmer’s Hospital.
She is survived by her daughters Wendy (Dwight) Northrup of Rothesay, Karen (Jim) Sloan of Jackson Point, NS and Peggy (Kim) Chase of Gaspereau Forks. Her cherished grandchildren, Donnie (Eden) Ferris of Moncton, Nicholas (Lindsay) Ferris of Gaspereau Forks, Josh (Kelsey) Northrup of Fredericton,Katie Northrup of Rothesay and great-grandson Gage Ferris of Gaspereau Forks. She will be dearly missed by her brothers and sisters: Twin sister Eileen Meyer (Gordon – deceased) of Noonan, Roy Jones (Greta) of Fredericton, Glendon Jones (Ruby) of Quispamsis and Brenda MacDonald (Joel) of New Maryland; also survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins. Also left behind are her Mowat in-laws who were very dear to her.
Mom was a master gardener and enjoyed growing her beautiful gardens at their home on Grand Lake. Many gatherings were held at their home for family and friends, from family reunions and celebrations to evenings enjoying live local musical entertainment; many with delicious feasts prepared by Mom.
The full obituary can be accessed here:
Stuart Leslie Mills
Please be in prayer for Paul and Sarah Callaghan and daughter, Zoe Gebert on the passing of Sarah’s father, Stuart Mills, on Tuesday, March 21, at Neill Hall at the age of 88.
Stuart will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 59 years, Lucille; children, Sylvia (Darren) Reid, Perrin Mills, Ann (Steven) Kitching, Leslie (Jacquee) Mills, Sarah (Paul) Callaghan; grandchildren, Chloe, Sephora (Nigel), Kyoko, Assiah, Simone, Jacob, Brynn (Griffon), Nate, Nick, Sophia and Zoe; great-grandchildren, Milah and Wyatt; sister Laura Frankland (late Merritt) and sister-in-law Sylvia Colpitts (late Lawrence); nephews Kevin (Melissa) and Reed (April).
Mr. Mills may be known to many in the BSBC as a teacher retired from a distinguished teaching career from Fredericton High School and for his leadership in the NBTA. A Memorial Service will be held at BSBC on Saturday, April 1 at 2 pm. A reception will follow. Funeral arrangements are in the care of Flewellings Funeral Home in Nackawic, NB. There will be no public visitation.
To read the full obituary, please visit:
Wilberta Fowler-Topple
Please be in prayer for the family of our sister in Christ, Wilberta Topple, who went to glory on Thursday, March 23 at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital surrounded by her family. Born in Lawrence Station, NB, mom was the daughter of the late Wilbert and Ethel (Cleghorn) Johnson. Wilberta will be greatly missed by her children, Rockland Fowler (Marion), Jeffrey Fowler (Wendy), Pamela Fowler (Robert Laird), Heather Topple-McAllister (Doug), Daniel Fowler (Christina), Susan Topple-McGinley (Jack), and Eric “Rick” Topple; grandchildren, Shane, Rudi, Mandy, Joshua, Natalie, Mindy, Sarah, Jimmy, Connor, Molly, Mason, Levi, Maggie, Corbin and Brenley; 13 great grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews and extended family members.
Wilberta was a valued member of the BSBC family with a desire that all should come to know Jesus in all of His saving grace. A retired teacher, Wilberta was a student of the Scriptures and maintained an interest in young people for the sake of the Kingdom.
A Memorial Service to celebrate her life and faith will take place at BSBC on Thursday, March 30 at 2 pm with a reception to follow. Funeral arrangements are in the care of McAdam’s Funeral Home but there will be public visitation before the service.
Please consider Wilberta’s full obituary, which can be found here:
10. PRAY Initiative
Thank you to all who have taken part in the PRAY Initiative which began in the fall. The final video installment will be released on Tuesday, April 4. Then, we will be moving to Sunday evening prayer services on April 16, 30 and May 7 at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. More details will follow.
11. Seeking Summer Student for NextGen Ministry
We have been fortunate to be awarded a SEED grant from the provincial government which will allow us to hire a summer student to work in our Next Gen (children/youth) ministry for 14 weeks. Details follow. Please pray with me for God’s provision of the student of His choice to help lead what will be a busy summer of ministry. Please make this summer job known to anyone you believe might be interested.
Thank you, Pastor Nikki
Community Children/Youth Worker Summer Student
Position Outline
The community children/youth worker summer student is a position created to support, foster and grow the Next Generation in the community in and around Brunswick Street Baptist Church. The ideal candidate would have: problem solving skills, initiative, creativity, dependability and teachability.
Position Responsibilities
Assisting Next Generation Pastor & Children’s Coordinators with Vacation Bible School (VBS) which includes planning, participation, recruiting volunteers and follow up
Participating in a local missions week tour to Saint John (lead up/follow up)
Assisting in leading weekly programming for Next Generation ministries
Developing programming for Next Generation ministries summer events
Developing programming for fall Next Generation ministries
Administrative work
Using Social Media for promotion of events and contacting individuals
Providing basic AV/IT service
Participating in KidzTown on Sunday mornings
Creating a connection point with the Next Generation cohort in the broader community (ie. Park Ministry)
Position Accountability
The Summer Student is responsible to the Brunswick Street Baptist Church Board of Deacons through the Education Committee with direct responsibility to the Next Generation Pastor.
Position Time Allotment & Wage
This summer job made possible through the provincial SEED program for current students. Requirements for applying include: must be a resident of New Brunswick, eligible to work in Canada, a Student in current academic year and attending full-time post secondary in the fall 2023.
This position for 14 weeks, 35 hours a week, at $17.50 per hour. Start date is negotiable. There are no other benefits associated with this position. Termination of the contract by either party requires 30 days written notice.
How To Apply
Please email your resume along with a cover letter explaining why you are interested in this position to Pastor Nikki Leftley at Application deadline is April 15, 2023. Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.
For more information, please contact Pastor Nikki Leftley by email ( or telephone (506-458-8348).
12. Children’s Ministry Staff Opportunities
Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. These ‘seasons’ mean transitions. In this light, we share that after many years of service, Yewande Akalusi has completed her faithful ministry as Elementary Bible Teacher in our Children’s Ministry. We sincerely thank Yewande for her faithfulness to the Word of God, to our children and this church family and pray for every blessing as she completes her eduction. Then, at the end of May, Ufuoma Akalusi will be completing her ministry as our Preschool Coordinator before leaving for Law School in Toronto.
The congregation is asked to pray for His provision in these days. Please speak to those you believe have the gifts to serve in these ways. Interested applicants should apply with a cover letter explaining why they are interested in the position and a brief summary of their Christian testimony along with a copy of a personal resume. These should be submitted to the church office by Friday, April 14. For more information please contact Pastor Nikki. Here are the individual position descriptions:
Elementary Bible Teacher
Position Outline: The Elementary Bible Teacher provides direct Bible teaching to children in this age group through weekly KidzTown ministry and if possible, at the annual Vacation Bible school.
Position Responsibilities: Coordinate lesson themes with other elementary leaders. Prepare in advance the lessons to be taught. Deliver lessons in KidzTown and, if possible, in VBS. Meet with Next Gen Pastor as needed to review and direct this work.
Position Accountability: The Elementary Bible Teacher is responsible to the Board of Deacons through the Education Committee and Pastor Nikki Leftely.
Terms of the Position: Remuneration for the position is $17.50 per hour for 5 hours per week. Four weeks (four Sundays) paid vacation is to be coordinated with the Next Gen Pastor.
Preschool Coordinator
Position Outline: The Preschool Coordinator will support and facilitate the delivery of Christian Education Ministry to the church preschoolers (infancy to age four) and their parents. This will be done under the direction and support of BSBC’s Education Committee and the Lead Pastor.
Position Responsibilities: Secure volunteers for Church-Time Preschool Ministry; Create volunteer rotations/communication with volunteers and Church Office; Prepare weekly church hour curriculum (stories and colouring pages); Weekly washing of cups/pitchers and laundry; Coordinate sanitization of preschool toys; Purchase needed toys and other resources with approval from the Lead Pastor; Maintain stock in the snack cupboard; Change seasonal decorations for preschool check-in area; Resource crafts and craft supplies for special occasions (ie. Christmas, Easter, etc.); Attend monthly Education Committee Meeting; Be present in the Preschool Area two Sundays a month and in worship “On Call” the remaining Sundays.
Position Accountability: The Preschool Coordinator is responsible to the Board of Deacons through the Education Committee and the Lead Pastor.
Terms of the Position: Remuneration for the position is $17.50 per hour for 10 hours per week. Four weeks (four Sundays) paid vacation is to be coordinated with the Lead Pastor.
13. Financial Report
14. Meals on Wheels: An Opportunity to Care
Dr. Keith, in last Sunday’s sanctuary service preached on the account of the four friends who were determined to care for their friend who needed to have the power of Jesus poured out on his life. These ‘stretcher bearers’ were fulfilling the intentions of Galatians 6. “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” We were never meant to do life alone. We need the love and care of others, as much as we are needed by others in the same ways. There are so many ways to be ‘stretcher bearers’.
For those who cook, I’m back to invite you to consider providing one meal a week for a couple in our church family who are each shouldering challenging health burdens. Just click the link below and register to provide a meal sometime in that week. Names and contact information will be provided after registering. If you are not able to deliver the meal to the northside, just let us know and we’ll arrange delivery for you. There are no dietary restrictions.
THANK YOU TO ALL who helped in the previous weeks. Know that your ‘carrying’ has been a blessing of Christ in these lives.
Pastor Greg
16. NextGen Ministry (Children & Youth)
Children @ BSBC
Elementary (K – Grade 5) Scouting Boys: March 29, 6:30 p.m.
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission, and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings are held weekly in the church gym on Wednesday evenings for those in kindergarten to Grade 5. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or
Youth @ BSBC
Registration for Tidal Impact Deadline Coming Up: April 1
The Tidal Impact registration date is extended to April 1. This is a week-long missions trip in Saint John, NB where our church partners up with another church to serve in the community. Tidal Impact is a great opportunity for our youth to serve others, to learn from others through the week and before the week in mentorship, and an opportunity for them to see and hear from God differently. If your youth wants to be a part of this, please send Pastor Nikki an email at for the registration package.
Youth Choir / Greenhouse Band: Wednesday, March 29, 6 – 6:30 pm
The youth choir is meeting tonight from 6 – 6:30 pm in the Barnabas Center. All youth who are interested in participating in the youth choir and/or Greenhouse Service band are welcome to come out and can contact Julianne at
Bible Study: Wednesday, March 29, 6:30 – 8 pm
Bible Study! Youth are welcome to come out tonight to join us as we continue through the book of Mark. All are welcome, even if you have not been previously. Join Kari Dunfield and Pastor Nikki. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Nikki at
Youth Overnighter: March 31 – April 1, 7 pm – 9 am
Our youth overnighter is happening this week from March 31 – April 1, 7 pm – 9 am Saturday morning. Your youth will not want to miss this fun event! If your youth will be attending, please let Pastor Nikki know at
16. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre
Wednesday, March 29
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
11:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas Center)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Community Potluck Supper (Gym)
6:00 Youth Choir/Greenhouse Band (Barnabas Center)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC0
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Practice (Choir Room)
6:30 Scouting Boys Group (K-Gr 5) (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
Thursday, March 30
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym, Main Kitchen)
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:00 Days For Girls (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, Room 219, FLC)
9:00 New Life Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas Center)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (CB) (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
2:00 W. Topple Funeral/Reception (Sanctuary, Gym, Main Kitchen
4:00 Nominating Committee (Board Room, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:00 L’Arche/Opal Drop-In (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Bible Study: Bad Girls of the Bible (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Barnabas Center/Choir Room)
Friday, March 31
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us Puppets (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center and KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Youth Group Overnighter (Gym, Main Kitchen, Fellowship Hall, Preschool Area, 1st Floor, FLC and Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, April 1
Youth Group Overnighter Continued (Gym, Main Kitchen, Fellowship Hall, Preschool Area, 1st Floor, FLC and Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
2:00 S. Mills Funeral/Reception (Sanctuary, Gym, Main Kitchen, Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
6:00 Gym Set-up
7:00 Worship Team Practice
Sunday, April 2
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:20 Sunday Morning Prayer (Counselling Room, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Sunday School For All Ages (Family Life Center)
9:30 Portraits of Jesus (Under The Sea Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:30 The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown & Preschool Classes (2nd & 1st Floor, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
1:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Palm Sunday Worship Service (Sanctuary)
7:00 High School Youth Group (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Monday, April 3
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas Center)
1:30 Right To Life (Board Room, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Social Action Team (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Sister Choir Ministry (Barnabas Center)
Tuesday, April 4
10:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas Center)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
12:00 Community Volunteer Income Tax Clinic 2023 (Gym)
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
6:00 Sports Friends (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start Young Adult Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Wednesday, April 5
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
11:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas Center)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:00 G. Tranquilla (Counselling Center)
5:30 Community Potluck Supper (Gym)
6:00 Youth Choir/Greenhouse Band (Barnabas Center)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Practice (Choir Room)
6:30 Scouting Boys Group (K-Gr 5) (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)