The Banner
Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.
Making a submission to our weekly newsletter?
Please note, submissions for our weekly newsletter should now be sent to The deadline for inclusion in Wednesday’s edition is noon the Monday prior.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from August 30 to September 6.
1. Combined Worship: September 3
2. Church Family Potluck: September 13
3. Fall BBQ: September 10
4. Sunday School: September 17th
5. Missions Month
6. Preschool Sunday School Teacher Needed
7. Programming in September
8. Pastor Greg on Medical Leave: Returning October 2
9. Pastoral Care
10. NextGen Ministry @ BSBC (Children/Youth)
11. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
12. Community Opportunities
13. This Week @ BSBC
1. Combined Worship: September 3
Don’t you love a good family reunion? We’re going to have such an event for all who are able to attend on Sunday, September 3.
This will be our second annual Labour Day combined service as the contemporary, traditional, and Mandarin congregations gather to be encouraged in the Word by Pastor Changbin Tian. We’ll also gather around the Lord’s Table in unity as the disciples of Jesus.
After our combined worship and communion, please stay on for some light refreshments and fellowship with our church family. We will be serving sandwiches, cookies, and fruit kabobs along with tea, coffee, and juice.
2. Church Family Potluck
Come and join our church family for a potluck dinner in the gym on Wednesday evenings starting September 13. Bring your favorite dish whether it be salad, cookies, cake, fruit, or meatballs.
This is an intergenerational event – babies to seniors – come and get to know each other! Invite a friend to come for supper. Setup starts at 5 p.m., participants start gathering at 5:15 p.m. and sit down for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Enjoy your dinner and cleanup finishes at 6:30 p.m.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Anna Marie Colpitts or call the church office at 506-458-8348.
3. Fall BBQ: September 10
We hope you will all join us for our “Welcome Back BBQ” coming up on Sunday, Sept. 10 after the service! Join us for hotdogs, snow cones, bouncy castle and lots of fun! This is a great time for everyone in the family. Hope to see you there!
4. Sunday School: September 17
On Sept. 17 Sunday School begins! This is a time of learning for our children and youth. It gives our Pre K – Grade 12 students age specific teaching about the gospel. Sunday School will take place from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. For parents & adults there is a tea and coffee time during Sunday school in the Connection Center and family room.
We welcome you to join and have a time of fellowship before the service!
5. Missions Month
From Sept. 10 onwards we will be moving into our ‘Missions Month’ put together by our Missions Committee (Thanks!). From Sept. 10 to Oct. 1 our sermon series will be based around mission hearing from Charlie Ritchie, Pastor Ross, Pastor Keith and Charles Millette on the subject.
We also have the opportunity on Sept. 17, 24 and Oct. 1 to hear from our very own Charles Millette as he leads a Missions Month Special series of classes during Sunday school time for people to engage with all based around the topic of Mission.
6. Preschool Sunday School Teacher Needed
Starting up on Sept. 17 Sunday School begins, we are still needing a Sunday School teacher for preschool for this school year. If you or someone you know is gifted in this area of working with Preschoolers and feel the leading to serve please reach out to Melanie Tingley at Sunday school is every Sunday during the school year expect for holidays, from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
7. Programming for September
Quilters for Missions: Sept. 5 – Dec. 12
Tuesdays, 1:30-3 p.m. (Quilting Room)
The Quilters for Missions group meets weekly in the Quilting Room. All Quilters and those who would like to learn are always welcome. For more information please contact Adra Trail.
Choir News
Intro to Choral Singing
DO YOU ENJOY SINGING? On Wednesday, Sept. 6 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. there will be an information session “INTRO TO CHORAL SINGING” offered in the choir room. It will be led by David Steeves, our Sanctuary Choir Director. All are invited to a time to sing, ask questions, and learn about singing in harmony. Come on out next Wednesday and give it a try!
Sanctuary Choir Executive Committee
The Sanctuary Choir Executive Committee have a meeting Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 7:45 pm in the Memorial Room.
Sanctuary Choir
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals resume Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. All singers are encouraged to join us in this music ministry this year. New Members Welcome!
Book of John Bible Study: Sept. 7 – Dec. 14
Thursdays, 1:30-3 p.m. (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Our afternoon Bible Study will continue in the Book of John. We share insights on doctrine and prophecy... and find the message of the Gospel and Jesus in many Old Testament Scriptures. One goal is to increase our desire to study the Word and not just read grow closer to Jesus and build a stronger relationship to Him, the author and finisher of our faith. All are welcome! For more information, please contact Mary McMulkin.
GriefShare: Sept. 7 – Dec. 7
Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, GriefShare is being offered at Brunswick Street Baptist Church beginning Thursday, September 7, 2023, at 7:00 pm, in the Family Room on the 1st Floor of our Family Life Center.
Grief Share is a 14-week video series by Christian experts on grief and recovery, combined with support group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Please visit the website at or call the church office 506-458-8348 if you would like more information and to register.
Together in Prayer: Sept. 10, Sundays, 9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
(Large Counselling Room (Above Pastor Ross’s Office), 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
Each Sunday morning, we will meet in the large counselling room, above Pastor Ross’s office, to offer prayer requests and to pray – for the day, the services, the city, the nation, and the world. All are welcome.
Senior’s Exercise: Sept. 11 – Dec. 22, 2023
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 10-11 a.m. (Gym)
The Senior’s Exercise class will be starting up on Monday, Sep 11. This is a gentle group exercise glass that is designed for seniors. This class will focus on strength, stretching, balance and recovery with low-impact mindfulness. Our class runs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 – 11 a.m. A small fee will be collected to pay our instructors. For more information, please contact Nancy Hughey at
DivorceCare: Sept. 12 – Dec. 12
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
If you know someone who is going through marital separation or divorce, invite them to consider joining our 13-week DivorceCare program, a ministry which will begin on Tuesdays, Sept. 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room of Brunswick Street Baptist Church.
Each evening includes the presentation of videos with expert counsellors sharing insights on how to move from hurting to healing. In addition, supportive conversation provides encouragement to participants led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey, and Bryan McWilliam. Each session stands on its own so participants can join any week.
For more information, please contact facilitator, Gloria Tranquilla at or call the church office at 458-8348. You can also register online at
Church Family Potluck, Wednesdays
Sept. 13 – Dec. 13, 2023 & Jan. 10 – May 15, 2024, 5:15 – 6:30 p.m. (Gym)
Come and join our church family for a potluck dinner in the gym on Wednesday evenings starting September 13. Bring your favorite dish whether it be salad, cookies, cake, fruit, or meatballs. This is an intergenerational event – babies to seniors – come and get to know each other! Invite a friend to come for supper. Setup starts at 5 p.m., participants start gathering at 5:15 p.m. and sit down for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Enjoy your dinner and cleanup finishes at 6:30 p.m. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Anna Marie Colpitts or call the church office at 506-458-8348.
Scouting Boys Ministry Registration for All Ages: September 13, 2023, Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm (Gym)
Scouting Boys – Elementary: Sept. 13 • Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (Gym)
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to Grade 5. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym. This week, registration for all ages will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 13. Following registration week, the kindergarten to Grade 5 group will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings. For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with the church office at 458-8348 or
Scouting Boys – Grades 6–12: Sept. 14 • Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (Gym)
BSBC offers a bi-weekly scouting program for middle school and high school boys. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Registration for all ages will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 13. Following registration week, the Middle/High School group will meet bi-weekly on Thursday evenings in the gym. For more information, please contact the church office at 506-458-8348 or
New Life Ministry: Sept. 14, 2023 to May 30, 2024
Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, Family Life Center)
Our New Life Ministry is a group of ladies that meet at 9:30 am Thursdays in the Assembly Area on the third floor of the Family Life Center, to provide opportunities for the leaders and ladies to get to know one another better, learn about God’s enduring love through guest speakers, Bible study, videos, and personal testimony, develop relationships, pray for one another, and to share a healthy lunch. This semester starts on Thursday, September 14, 2023, and runs to May 30, 2024. New participants are welcome. Please contact Rosa McEwing for more information.
Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study: Sept. 14
Thursdays, 6:30 – 8 p.m. (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
The Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study will begin a new study for the fall starting on Thursday, September 14 at 6:30pm. We will be studying The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. All materials for the study are provided. All women welcome. We will meet in the board room above the gym. Please email Bo Vinh-Doyle with any questions.
Hands-in Girls Ministry: Sept. 20 to June
Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m.
Kindergarten to Grade 5 girls – ANNOUNCING Hands In! A time just for you to meet other girls and have fun learning about God with games, crafts, songs, activities and more! Come join us in KidzTown, Wednesday, September 20 from 6:30-8 p.m. to get your hands in to the fun. Contact Allie Dunfield or the church office for more details. We will meet one Wednesday each month.
Adult Handbell Choir
Sept. 21 – Dec. 21, Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m.
Adult Handbell Choir will start up this fall on Thursday, September 21st at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Setup starts at 6:30 p.m. and the group will meet at 7 p.m. We will meet weekly on Thursdays until Dec. 21.
8. Pastor Greg Medical Leave — Returning Oct. 2
Upon the recommendation of his medical team, and affirmed by the Board of Deacons, Pastor Greg Geldart will be on medical leave from August 15 to October 2, 2023. The pastoral team (Ross, Nikki, Changbin, and Dr. Keith), along with support from Kevin Culberson, will be working with the Board of Deacons to prepare for the Fall.
Thank you for your on-going prayers for each member of our pastoral staff, leaders and their families.
Denise Mersereau, Chair
Board of Deacons
9. Pastoral Care for the Fall
Your Deacons want to affirm that BSBC is equipped to provide Pastoral Care. We are grateful for the engagement of Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki, and we are blessed to have additional support from Rev. Kevin Culberson, the Baptist Chaplin at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital.
Here are some suggested approaches:
Your pastors will only know of hospitalizations if the church office or individual pastors are contacted directly
We’d appreciate you notifying the office if you know of the hospitalization of a member of the BSBC family
Critical Incident
If a pastor is needed in an emergency situation, between Monday to Friday, 8:30 am and 4 pm, please contact the church office
Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin will be available to support families at a time of loss, to conduct funeral and committal services
Contact the church office during office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm
Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
We have provided McAdams, Bishops, and York Funeral Homes with the contact information for both Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin
If you are not a member of a bereaved family but know of a death within the BSBC family, please contact the church office to make sure your pastors are aware of the need.
Contact Details
Church Office
Pastor Ross Watters
Pastor Nikki Leftley
Rev. Kevin Culberson
Denise Mersereau, Chair of Deacons
Please pray for our pastoral care team as they seek to partner with you in caring for the BSBC family.
Your Board of Deacons
10. NextGen Ministry
Kids @ BSBC
Hands-In Girls Ministry: Sept. 20
Girls K – grade 5 are welcome and encouraged to join Allie Dunfield and her lovely volunteers Sept. 20 evening at 6:30 p.m. for a night of connection, fun, activities, and learning about Jesus. IF you would like your daughter to be apart of this reach out to Allie Dunfield at
Scouting Program K – Gr 12 Registration: Wednesday, Sept. 13
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to high school. Outdoor adventures, fun activities and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission, to love God and our neighbour. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym. Otters (ages 5-7) and Timberwolves (ages 8-10) will meet in the church gym on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Our first night for boys will be Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Registration will take place in the foyer near the gym that night. Registration forms will be available and we will be set up to take registration money. The cost for the program is $40/boy.
Woodsmen (ages 11-18) will meet on Thursday night in the church gym from 7 to 9 p.m. Registration will be held for this age group on Wednesday Sept. 13 with the younger boys. We will be looking for a minimum of 5 boys to register for Woodsmen in order to run this group this year.
Youth @ BSBC
Fall Kick-Off Sept. 10
Thank you to all who joined us for a summer full of fellowship, fun, and friends! We are super excited to see you in the fall. Coming up September 10, we have our kick-off event at Anna Marie & Bruce Colpitts home, with a BBQ, Lawn games, pontoon boat rides, and a bonfire! You are not going to want to miss it! Hope to see your youth out and bring a friend!
11. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
Our Young Adults ministry, Fresh Start, continues to meet on Tuesday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. Come along for snacks and social time followed by a Bible study. We would love to see you there!
Please contact Pastor Ross for details.
12. Community Events
Forest Hill United Church & St. Matthew Lutheran Church
FLEA MARKET VENDORS WANTED: Forest Hill United Church, in collaboration with St. Matthew Lutheran Church, will be hosting a Flea Market on Saturday, September 23rd from 9 am to noon at 45 Kimble Court, Fredericton.
Vendor set up will be on Friday, September 22nd from 6 to 8 pm. 2 1/2' x 4' tables are available for $10 each. If you are interested in signing up as a vendor, contact Forest Hill United Church at or 506-455-0988.
13. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre
Wednesday, August 30
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
Thursday, August 31
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym/Main Kitchen)
7:00 Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:00 Benevolent Ministries (By Appointment)
Friday, September 1
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Family Room & KidzTown, 1st & 2nd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, September 2
10:00 Gym Set-Up
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, September 3
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
10:30 Combined Worship (Gym)
10:50 Preschool & KidzTown (1st & 2nd Floor, FLC)
11:30 Refreshments After Service (Gym)
11:30 Library Open After Services (Connection Center)
Monday, September 4
Labour Day – Church Office Closed
6:30 Social Action Team Meeting (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
Tuesday, September 5
10:00 Pastoral/Planning Meeting (Admin Office)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
1:30 Quilter’s for Missions (Quilting Room)
7:00 Fresh Start Young Adult Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Wednesday, September 6
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Deacons Sub-Committee Meeting (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:45 Sanctuary Choir Executive Committee Meeting (Memorial Room)