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Experience the Love of Jesus. Live it Out Everywhere.
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The deadline for inclusion in Wednesday’s edition is noon the Monday prior.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Dec 6th - 13th!
Christmas Letter 2023 from the Pastors’ Office
2. Christmas 2023 Services & Events
3. Christmas Giving Goal 2023
4. Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project
5. A Time of Prayer
6. Children’s Christmas Party: Dec 9
7. Ukrainian Craft Sale: Dec 10
8. Sale of Needlework Materials in Support of Ukraine
9. WMS Monthly Meeting: Dec 11
10. The Street Meets The Drive: Dec 13
11. Service of Comfort & Hope: Dec 21
12. Weekly Financial Countdown
13. The Reverend Dr. Harold Mitton is Turning 104!
14. Muffin Ministry
15. Pastoral Care
16. NextGen Ministry @ BSBC (Children/Youth)
17. Fresh Start Young Adults Group: Dec 12 Wrapping
18. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Dec 10
19. Community Opportunities
20. This Week @ BSBC
1. Christmas Letter 2023 from the Pastors’ Office
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
– Luke 2: 10 – 14
Merry Christmas BSBC Family!
First off, let me start by offering a massive Merry Christmas to everyone at the Church. I truly pray that this Advent season is one of deep meaning, joy, hope, peace and celebration for every one of you. I know Christmas is so often full of extremes of emotion: for some it is the best and most exciting time of year - full of joy, busyness, and general family chaos - and also such a special and blessed time. For others, I know Christmas can be a reminder of who is not here. Essentially, it feels like Christmas magnifies and increases the intensity of many of the feelings and emotions that lay beneath the surface.
As I reflect on the journey of BSBC since Christmas of last year, this has been an extremely full year. As a congregation, we have been through difficulties, massive transitions, pain, and loss amidst much joy and growth throughout the year, mirroring the path of following Jesus. Another passage of Scripture that comes to mind as I pray for this year’s advent journey is Isaiah 9:2, ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned’. It feels like we have been trying to find our way through the darkness in these last few months and yet, God has been on the move in our church community in a powerful way. I am so excited to see what He has for us throughout this joyous season and into 2024.
We have seen an increase in the number of people attending our services. This growth has sustained a deeper, more developed sense of community within and between all of our congregations. Our youth’s and children’s ministries continue to strengthen with students growing into their gifts outside and within our church family.
Rev. Kevin Culberson has been a great and steady hand through this time, and I appreciate both his leadership of the Sanctuary service as well as all the ways he has helped behind the scenes. Dr. Bodner continues to bless both services with his teaching. Pastor Nikki continues to grow and develop our NextGen ministries and has seen many new faces both attending and stepping into volunteering roles. Our Mandarin congregation has witnessed so many baptisms and Pastor Changbin is doing an incredible job leading our Chinese brothers and sisters.
Tina, Sarah, and Deesha are doing a wonderful job in KidzTown and have seen so many new children joining each week. The joy on the second floor is there for all to see Sunday by Sunday. Melanie has been a steady and loving hand in our preschool ministry and again, is being kept busy every Sunday with the number of younger children. Our benevolence ministry continues to be in high demand and blesses those in our community in desperate need. Doug and his team are involved in some incredible ministry. On top of this, our office staff, Janet and Naomi, have worked so hard to cover the additional workload that is being shared among us all. We really do have a staff team to be deeply thankful for. Our Boards and Committees have been kept very busy this year with so much extra planning and so many more decisions needing to be made. I just want to express my deep gratitude to our Board of Management, Board of Deacons, and Church Teams and Committees. I am deeply thankful to serve as part of such an incredible team.
As we move into this Advent Season, I want to extend a personal invite to each one of you to come and join us in the celebrations. No matter how you are feeling deep within, what this year has meant for you, or the associations you may have around this time of year, please make the choice to join us in celebration. To once again take the step to remember and rejoice, knowing that, even in places of deepest darkness, a great light can shine and transform. In this season, our Advent themes are the HOPE we receive, the PEACE that He brings, the JOY we can live in, and the LOVE we have received.
I pray this Advent season is one full of God the Father’s blessing and full of God the Spirit’s presence, as we remember the greatest gift ever given, God the Son.
Every blessing and I look forward to sharing in this season with you.
Reverend Ross Watters
2.Christmas 2023 Advent Services & Events
Saturday, Dec. 9, Noon – 1:30 pm
Parents and kids come for lunch together, a brief time of singing, and a short devotional. Following that a time of crafting, cookie decorating, games, and more! Pizza is provided and we encourage our church families to bring a side dish or a dessert to share. Please click this link to register:
Register for Children’s Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec. 10, 10:30 am
A weekly worship service for each of our Gym, Sanctuary, and Mandarin congregations where we will celebrate the Lord’s table and hear a message of Joy.
Sunday, Dec. 17, 10:30 am
A weekly worship service for each of our Gym, Sanctuary, and Mandarin congregations where we will hear a message of Joy.
Sunday, Dec. 17, 6:30 pm
A candlelight service with vocal and instrumental music reflecting on the gift of Jesus, full of joy and encouragement for this Christmas season.
55+ LUNCHEON (In-Person)
Monday, Dec. 18, 12:00 noon
A catered pork chop dinner and cheesecake with bumbleberry sauce with fun to follow.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 6:30 pm
A place for those grieving the loss of a loved one to gather for comfort and hope. Reception to follow. To add your loved one’s name to our roll of honour, please contact the church office at 506-458-8348.
Sunday, Dec. 24, 10:30 am
A weekly worship service for each of our Gym, Sanctuary, and Mandarin congregations where we will hear a message of Love.
Sunday, Dec. 24, 6:00 pm
This is our family Christingle service of Christmas joy as our church family gather to prepare to “open” the gift of Jesus. All are welcome!
Sunday, Dec. 31, 10:30 am
A combined worship service in the sanctuary to celebrate the new year!
3. Christmas Giving Goal 2023
At our Annual Meeting in February, the congregation adopted a goal of raising $10,000 over and above regular giving as a celebration offering for Christmas. This will go a long way to helping us end the year in a strong place financially.
How to give
Gifts can be made the old-fashioned way, using the offering boxes on the welcome tables or dropping your gift at the Church office. There is also a debit machine in the Connections Center, and e-transfers are welcome to
To ensure a tax receipt for 2023, please bring your gift to the church office by noon on Friday, Dec. 22 or drop your envelope in the offering box during our combined worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, Dec 31 or send an e-transfer by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31.
Thank you for considering such practical support of the ministry we do in Fredericton and beyond.
4. Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project
A Message From The Things:
‘Tis the time of the year to celebrate lots of Good News
And for “The Things” to say a “Big Thank You” ... to those in the pews.
Who have supported so faithfully all things SL and GG
Starting Local, Going Global… what a program of Hope, and of Peace
The giving has been wonderful … yet … still there is time
To bring more joy to those in Bolivia, New Life, and those who join us to dine
So to you a Big Wish from Things 1, 2, and 3
Merry Christmas to all and A Year of Blessings and Glee.
It’s not too late to make a financial gift to our annual Christmas project. Last Sunday, at our Blended Worship service, we announced that the giving to Starting Local was $7,350 – we’re moving closer to meeting the costs for providing Christmas gifts and groceries for our New Life Ministry families and for our guests who attend our monthly Third Sunday Supper.
In addition, we were able to announce that over $5,500 has come in to Going Global which will be sent through our national office, Canadian Baptist Ministries, to children in Bolivia.
Thank you to all who have given to this point. We will continue to accept your gifts between now and the end of December. Designate your gift “Starting Local” if you wish to support those in New Life and Third Sunday Supper. Or, Going Global, to support children in Bolivia. If you mark your gift “SLGG” whatever you give will be divided equally between both arms of the project.
After Sunday’s service, our updated giving totals for Local is $8,147.50 and for Global is $9,074.70.
Thank You so much.
God is so good.
BSBC Social Action Team and Mission Committee
5. A Time of Prayer: Weekdays, 12:00 noon - 1:30
Hello, dear brothers and sisters.
I am continuing to host a time of prayer in the sanctuary, daily, Monday to Friday. The time will be from 12:00 till 1:30 PM.
This has become a time of sitting in God's presence, waiting on Him, reading scriptures, being silent, sometimes sharing, praying with people, praying over people --- just however the Spirit leads.
A number of days I have just been by myself and often I will have some worship music or hymns playing, but please feel free to enter the sanctuary at any time, for any segment of that 1.5 hr. of time. All are welcome who would like to pray or to receive prayer ministry.
No pressure, but whosoever would like to come, please come!
Debbie Kierstead
6. Children’s Christmas Party: Saturday, Dec 9
Calling all kids!
Coming up on Saturday, December 9, BSBC will be hosting our annual children’s Christmas party! This will take place in the gym at 12:00 noon. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share!
We look forward to having you join us for this time.
More information will follow, and registration will be available soon.
7. Ukrainian Craft Sale: December 10
This Sunday, Dec. 10, following the services, Julia Polyachenko will be in the Connections Center hosting a Fundraiser for Ukrainian Frontline Medics. The items for sale include Christmas ornaments, candles, polymer clay jewelry, 3D printed keychains, socks, cards and magnets.
All proceeds will go to the Leleka Foundation to purchase quality supplies for medical backpacks. Thank you for your support.
8. Sale of Needlework Materials to Support Ukraine: December 10
This Sunday, Dec 10, Carol Bray will join Julia Polyachenko in the Connections Center. Carol will be displaying for sale some sewing and needlework materials, fabric, & aprons from an estate. All proceeds will be given for Ukraine relief.
9. WMS Monthly Meeting: December 11
The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) of Brunswick Street Baptist Church will be hosting their monthly meeting on Monday, December 11 at 2:00 pm in the Assembly Area on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. This month there will be a special treat and a great speaker! All ladies are welcome – we look forward to seeing you there!
10. The Street Meets The Drive: December 13
BSBC went for a visit to tour the premises of The Drive’s Food & Clothing bank in November 2023. We were exploring the possibility of a partnership with The Drive to provide a food and/or clothing bank for the downtown Fredericton population.
The “BSBC’s Barnabas Basics” (this name is under construction) Working Group will be having a follow-up meeting on Wednesday, December 13 at 10:00 am in the Assembly Area on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center.
If you have a heart for this ministry, please join us as we explore next steps and possibilities. We look forward to seeing you there.
11.Service of Comfort & Hope: Dec 21
On Thursday, December 21 at 6:30 pm, Brunswick Street Baptist Church will be holding our annual Service of Comfort & Hope. This is a place for those grieving the loss of a loved one to gather for comfort and hope.
To add your loved one’s name to our roll of honour, and to light a candle in their name, please contact the church office at 506-458-8348. Please contact the church office with their details by Monday, December 18.
A reception will follow in the gym
12. Weekly Financial Countdown
Please consider how you can generously support God’s work at Brunswick Street as we near the end of 2023. Your continued giving at this time is important and much appreciated, as we need to close the budget gap.
Ken Reimer
BSBC Treasurer
13. The Reverend Dr. Harold Mitton
On Wednesday, December 20, the Rev. Dr. Harold Mitton, turns 104 years young! Rev. Dr. Harold Mitton was the senior pastor at Brunswick Street from October 1, 1964, to April 26, 1970. Rev. Mitton currently resides in Wolfville, NS.
We wish you a very happy birthday on your special day. Best wishes only.
If you would like to send him a birthday card, please contact the church office.
14. Muffin Ministry
On behalf of our brothers and sisters who make a weekly evening trek around the city to visit those sleeping rough, and the members of your Social Action Team, thank you ‘muffin makers’ for your faithfulness serving in this way.
Our schedule is now open for 2024. We still require 3 dozen muffins per week. Please place 12 muffins, individually wrapped, in a large zipper locked bag, and label the bag “Street Ministry”. Don’t forget to include your name and the delivery date for which you signed up. You can place the labeled muffins in the upright freezer in the main kitchen.
Please click the link below to sign up to serve in this way or call the church office (506-458-8348) and our admin team will be pleased to do the online registration for you. Jesus spoke of offering cups of cold water in his name. Muffins, we believe, offer the same opportunity to bless others for him.
LINK: Click here to sign up to make muffins.
15. Pastoral Care
Your Deacons want to affirm that BSBC is equipped to provide Pastoral Care. We are grateful for the engagement of Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki, and we are blessed to have additional support from Rev. Kevin Culberson, the Baptist Chaplin at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital.
Here are some suggested approaches:
• Your pastors will only know of hospitalizations if the church office or individual pastors are contacted directly
• We’d appreciate you notifying the office if you know of the hospitalization of a member of the BSBC family
Critical Incident
• If a pastor is needed in an emergency situation, between Monday to Friday, 8:30 am and 4 pm, please contact the church office
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin will be available to support families at a time of loss, to conduct funeral and committal services
• Contact the church office during office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• We have provided McAdams, Bishops, and York Funeral Homes with the contact information for both Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin
• If you are not a member of a bereaved family but know of a death within the BSBC family, please contact the church office to make sure your pastors are aware of the need
Contact Details
Church Office
Pastor Ross Watters
Pastor Nikki Leftley
Rev. Kevin Culberson
Denise Mersereau, Chair of Deacons
Please pray for our pastoral care team as they seek to partner with you in caring for the BSBC family.
Your Board of Deacons
16. NextGen Ministry
Children @ BSBC
Scouting Boys Elementary, Aged 5-10 years: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm (Gym)
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to Grade 5. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or
Sunday School: Sundays, 9:30 – 10:15 am
We welcome all of our youth and children to join again at 9:30 am! Please bring your children to their respective areas. There will be someone in the connection center to help direct you to the correct location. Please remember to pick up your children from their classrooms at 10:15 am. Our children will be joining us in our worship services until 10:45 am.
Children’s Christmas Party: December 9, 12:00 noon
Calling all of our children kindergarten to Grade 5! Coming up on Saturday, December 9, BSBC will be hosting our annual children’s Christmas party! Come for lunch together, a brief time of singing, short devotional. Following that a time of crafting, cookie decorating, games, and more! This will take place in the gym at 12:00 pm. We look forward to having you join us. Pizza is provided and we encourage our church families to bring a side dish or a dessert to share. Please click the link below to register.
Registration for Children’s Christmas Party
Hands In Girls Ministry Christmas Party: Saturday, December 16, 10:00 am
Hands In Girls Ministry will be hosting the elementary girls Christmas party on Saturday, December 16 from 10:00 am – noon. We look forward to seeing our elementary school girls out! Please email Allie at to RSVP!
Youth @ BSBC
Youth Bible Study: Tonight Wednesday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm (Third floor)
Youth grades 6 – 12 are invited to join Pastor Nikki & Alyse Wilton for Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Tonight, we will be starting a two-week series on the Christmas story. This will be our second last Bible study for 2023. All are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Pastor Nikki at
Caroling at Shannex Neill Hall: Thursday, December 7, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Calling all youth! On Thursday, December 7, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm, our youth group will be going caroling at a local retirement home. Please meet at Shannex North Side, 610 Cliffe Street. If your youth would like to be a part of this serving opportunity or needs a ride, please contact Pastor Nikki We will be having two 45 minute caroling sessions this evening for those in the retirement home.
Youth Christmas Party! Sunday, December 10, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Youth are invited to come out this Sunday for our Christmas Party which will be our final official youth group of the calendar year. We will be playing Christmas games, enjoying hot chocolate, and some snacks! All are welcome and feel free to invite your friends to join us. Youth are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Greener Village foodbank. Can’t wait to see you Sunday!
Greenhouse Youth Worship Service & Christmas Luncheon: Sunday, December 17, 10:45 am – 1:00 pm
In December, we will be having a unique Greenhouse Service. It is super important to have our youth together for this time of fellowship and worship, and we understand the busyness of the season. Therefore, for this coming Greenhouse, the youth will be meeting in the contemporary service for the first worship set and then going over to the Barnabas center for a youth directed service led by the youth. Following the service, we will have a luncheon together to celebrate the Christmas season.
Greenhouse Band Practice: Will Resume in January
Our Greenhouse Band is taking a break in December for the Christmas season. Practice will resume at the beginning of January to prepare for the Greenhouse service on January 28. For more information on how to get involved, please contact Julianne at or text (506) 261-0876.
Friends Are Us Puppets: Friday Evening Practice Will Resume in January
Have you ever wondered how a puppet show gets made? All middle and high school youth are invited to join Chris Graves for an hour of fun and fellowship while using our puppets.
17. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
Our Young Adults ministry, Fresh Start, will meet on Tuesday night from 7pm - 9pm on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. This week will be our final Fresh Start gathering for 2023. We will be helping our Social Action Team wrap the gifts for our Third Sunday Supper guests. Come along for some fun, snacks and social time followed by a Bible study. We would love to see you there! Our start date in 2024 will be January 9.
Please contact Pastor Ross for details.
18. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Dec 10
This Sunday, we will be celebrating the Lord’s table. The gym worship service will be under the musical leadership of Julianne Moore and friends. In the sanctuary, the worship service will feature the musical leadership of Gloria Tranquilla with gathering music provided by Elaine Durling and special guests, Laura McGuire and Greg & Rebecca Keezer.
This week, Dr. Keith will be preaching on “The Second Christmas Carol”. Of this, he writes, “Last week we mentioned that you know it’s Christmas time when you start hearing songs ranging from “Deck the Halls” and “Frosty the Snowman” all the way to theological classics such as “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Whatever the playlist you might hear today, it is worth noting the Christmas Carols get their start in the early pages of the New Testament, which is why we looked at the very first Advent song, the Magnificat of Mary during our Combined Service last Sunday. This week we will continue this informal series in “Original Christmas Carols” by exploring the second one, the song of Zechariah in Luke 1:68-79 and further explore the message of the gospel in these incredible lyrics.
Whether in-person or online, be sure to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
19. Community Events
McAdam’s Funeral Home
St. Paul’s United Church
31st Annual Advent Carol Festival at St. Paul’s! For years it has been the musical event that marks the start of the Christmas season in Fredericton! We missed it during COVID but on Wednesday, December 6th, the Annual Advent Carol Festival returns to St. Paul's United Church at 224 York St. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., the program will feature both new and familiar Christmas selections. Nine church and community choirs will take part, each singing a favourite carol or seasonal song. The choirs will also unite for a mass sing performing two numbers. And there will be a chance for the audience to join in the festive singing, too! As usual, the evening will conclude with “And the Glory” from Handel’s Messiah.
Audience members are invited to join the choirs for this finale. Come enjoy the music of the season in our beautifully decorated sanctuary and show your appreciation to the choirs, their directors and event organizers for over 30 years of commitment to this annual tradition. A freewill offering will be received for the CBC’s Feed a Family Campaign to support area food banks. Donations in past years total more than $100,000. There’s lots of seating available… so come along and join us on December 6th.
Lintuhtine Choir
The Lintuhtine Choir, under the direction of Helen Morag McKinnon, presents “In the mood for Christmas” on Sunday, Dec 10 at 3:00 pm at the Hazen Center in Oromocto. Proceeds of a Monetary donation will go to the Bill Jarratt Foundation. The Lintuhtine Choir will be accompanied by Lynn Mills – piano, Conrad Levesque – bass and special guests Sidney Murgatroyd – violin/viola and Ben Gray – piano.
Fredericton Kiwanis Youth Choir
The Fredericton Kiwanis Youth Choir, under the direction of Ross Simonds, will present it’s annual December concert on Wednesday, the 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Memorial Baptist Church. “Wintertide Awakes: Sounds for the Season” will focus not only on that which is often joyous, beautiful, and fun, but will also consider a few things that bring challenges to many – ice, extreme cold, and sickness. Tickets can be purchased through members of the choir, Eventbright, or at the door. It’s going to be a rich evening of beautiful music from all over the world, sung in different languages and genres, and with guest performers (Yvonne Kershaw – bassoon, Garry Hanson – guitar, Olivia Spahn-Vieira – mezzo-soprano, and Graysen LaPointe – Tenor.) Please, come and support the young people of this “new choir in town”, Kate Howie and Winnie Goodwin being among them. They’re sure not to disappoint.
20. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre
Wednesday, December 6
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Church Family Potluck (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Scouting Boys K-Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
Thursday, December 7
6:30 Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym, Main Kitchen, Gym Building)
9:00 Benevolent Ministries (by appointment, 1st Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Days for Girls (KidzTown, Room 209, 2nd Floor, FLC)
9:30 New Life Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
11:00 Days for Girls Christmas Lunch (Family Room/Kitchenette, 1st Floor, FLC)
1:30 Book of John Bible Study (MM) (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
4:30 Nominating Committee Meeting (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Youth Group Caroling Shannex Neill Hall (610 Cliffe Street, Fredericton)
6:30 Ladies Bible Study “The Hiding Place” (BV) (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
6:30 GriefShare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir (Choir Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
Friday, December 8
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Barnabas Center)
7:00 Parent Supervised Youth Hang-Out (Assembly Area, Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, December 9
10:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
12:00 Children’s Christmas Party (Gym/Main Kitchen)
5:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, December 10
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Together in Prayer (Counselling Room 3, George St. Side, Gym Building)
9:30 Adult Coffee Time (Family Room/Connections Center, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:30 Child & Youth Sunday School (Preschool/KidzTown/Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Gym Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Sanctuary Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:50 KidzTown Classes (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:50 Preschool Classes (Nursery and Preschool Area, 1st Floor, FLC)
11:30 Ukraine Support Sale (Connections Center)
11:30 Library Open After Services (Connections Center)
1:00 Mandarin Gathering (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
2:30 Christmas Piano Recital (Ross Simonds) (Sanctuary)
6:30 Final Youth Groups Christmas Party (Assembly Area, Café, Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Monday, December 11
7:15 Daniel Plan (BSBC Administration Office, Gym Building)
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
2:00 WMS (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Education Committee (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Tuesday, December 12
10:00 Pastoral Planning Meeting (BSBC Administration Office)
11:15 Staff Meeting (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
12:00 Quilters For Missions (McMulkin Residence)
5:30 Final Sports Friends (8-10 years) (Gym)
6:30 Final Sports Friends (11-13 years) (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Final Fresh Start Young Adult Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
Wednesday, December 13
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 The Street Meets The Drive Follow Up Meeting (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:00 Church Family Potluck (Gym, Main Kitchen)
6:30 Scouting Boys K-Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Final Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)